AOE is a great game. If you've ever played Populas (a great game which didn't get much credit) It's sorta like that only more real time strategy. It's got the C&C type game and takes place when Civ 2 took place. At about that time I think. It plays like Populas. One of the best parts is multiplayer features. You and a friend can build the same base together. That's one of the funnest parts. It's made by Esemble Studios. I never heard of them before this time. I don't think they have made a game before. But if they haven't they are off to a great start. AOE is published by Microsoft though. The Offical AOE Web Page is at a microsoft site.
There are also some cheat codes for the game. They told us one and I haven't found any others. If you find one tell me. This is all I have now.
Victory *What do you think it does?
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